Category: Creative

  • The Heart of the Machine

    The Heart of the Machine

    Busy day today, plenty to do, but as I was walking past one of the boilers, I happened to glance inside the flame tube. I wasn’t even thinking about taking a photo, but something about the symmetry, the motion, and the way the light caught inside the chamber made me stop. I grabbed a quick…

  • Lifting the Fog

    Lifting the Fog

    It’s been a bit of a week. The mind still feels a little foggy, but I can sense the weight starting to lift. Change isn’t immediate—it never is—but slowly, bit by bit, things are shifting. It’s strange to realize how deeply ingrained certain habits are, how easy it is to just keep going the way…

  • A Day of Raspberry Pi Tinkering (and Reinstalling… a Lot)

    A Day of Raspberry Pi Tinkering (and Reinstalling… a Lot)

    Today’s photo perfectly sums up my day—buried in keyboards, monitors, and the endless cycle of setting up and tearing down configurations. I took on the task of revamping my home network, running Pi-hole and PiVPN on two Raspberry Pi’s, while an older N5015 NUC found new life as my storage controller and media server. It…

  • Hard Work, Sweet Rewards

    Hard Work, Sweet Rewards

    After a full day of decorating, there’s one thing that makes it all worthwhile: a proper cup of tea and a slice of cake. It’s that small moment of reward, the brief pause where you sit back and admire the progress made before diving back in. This photo came about as I was halfway through…

  • A Reminder of Why I Do This

    A Reminder of Why I Do This

    After yesterday’s minor wobble, today’s effort feels like a reaffirmation of why I pick up the camera every day. There’s always that little voice whispering, ‘Is this one good enough? Does it hold up?’ But then I remind myself – I’m not doing this for the likes, for validation, or for some grand exhibition. I’m…

  • The Art in the Everyday

    The Art in the Everyday

    Sometimes, creativity is found in the most unexpected places. Tonight, it was on the chopping board. I wasn’t out chasing dramatic landscapes or waiting for the perfect light. I was just helping prepare dinner when I saw something worth capturing—an onion, freshly cut, stark against the dark background, layers unfolding like the rings of a…

  • Unexpected Elegance – The Garlic Experiment

    Unexpected Elegance – The Garlic Experiment

    There’s something satisfying about turning the ordinary into something striking. Today’s subject? Garlic. Yes, garlic. A few bulbs had been sitting on the counter long enough to sprout, and with my new light arriving, I figured—why not make something of it? The results surprised me. The sprouts gave the composition an organic, almost alien-like feel,…

  • Compression & Composition: A Church in the Landscape

    Compression & Composition: A Church in the Landscape

    The Scene: This was one of those days where the light wasn’t on my side, but I wasn’t about to let that stop me. With a classic Norfolk country church sitting at the end of a winding road, I had two choices: my 20mm wide-angle or the 85mm prime. The 85mm won out, and I’m…

  • Stepping Away From the Code

    Stepping Away From the Code

    Some days, the best way to clear your head isn’t another cup of coffee or another attempt at debugging—it’s stepping away entirely. Today was one of those days where FAISS (or my brain) refused to cooperate. Instead of going in circles, I grabbed my camera, walked outside, and this scene caught my eye. The rain-dappled…

  • A Night Among Ruins & Stars

    A Night Among Ruins & Stars

    Somewhere between chasing stars and capturing the past, I found myself standing in the cold, setting up a long exposure at the ruined church. This was one of those nights where everything aligned—well, mostly. I had planned for star trails, for light painting, for atmospheric textures in the old stone. What I didn’t plan for…