Welcome to My Creative Space.

  • Unexpected Elegance – The Garlic Experiment

    Unexpected Elegance – The Garlic Experiment

    There’s something satisfying about turning the ordinary into something striking. Today’s subject? Garlic. Yes, garlic. A few bulbs had been sitting on the counter long enough to sprout, and with my new light arriving, I figured—why not make something of it? The results surprised me. The sprouts gave the composition an organic, almost alien-like feel,…

  • Compression & Composition: A Church in the Landscape

    Compression & Composition: A Church in the Landscape

    The Scene: This was one of those days where the light wasn’t on my side, but I wasn’t about to let that stop me. With a classic Norfolk country church sitting at the end of a winding road, I had two choices: my 20mm wide-angle or the 85mm prime. The 85mm won out, and I’m…

  • Stepping Away From the Code

    Stepping Away From the Code

    Some days, the best way to clear your head isn’t another cup of coffee or another attempt at debugging—it’s stepping away entirely. Today was one of those days where FAISS (or my brain) refused to cooperate. Instead of going in circles, I grabbed my camera, walked outside, and this scene caught my eye. The rain-dappled…

  • A Night Among Ruins & Stars

    A Night Among Ruins & Stars

    Somewhere between chasing stars and capturing the past, I found myself standing in the cold, setting up a long exposure at the ruined church. This was one of those nights where everything aligned—well, mostly. I had planned for star trails, for light painting, for atmospheric textures in the old stone. What I didn’t plan for…

  • A Change of Plans

    A Change of Plans

    Sometimes, things don’t go as planned. I had every intention of heading out for a night shot, capturing some crisp stars against an old church, but nature had other ideas. Instead, I found myself indoors, looking for a different kind of shot. Photography is just as much about adapting as it is about planning. So,…

  • A Study in Distraction – When the Mind Wanders, the Camera Clicks

    A Study in Distraction – When the Mind Wanders, the Camera Clicks

    Let’s be honest—some tasks are so routine they barely engage the brain anymore. For me, Health & Safety training is one of those. It’s necessary, sure, but after doing it every couple of years for two decades, my mind naturally starts looking for an escape route. Today, that escape came in the form of my…

  • A New Lens and the Unofficial Studio Cat

    A New Lens and the Unofficial Studio Cat

    It’s a tradition. New lens? Take a photo of the cat. Every single time. I’m not sure if she knows this, or if she’s just so photogenic that she instinctively claims her rightful place in the frame. Either way, meet the test subject for my new lens. I wanted to see what this lens could…

  • Experimenting with Motion

    Experimenting with Motion

    Today’s photo was a bit of an experiment. I noticed the trees swaying in the wind, their branches creating a chaotic dance against the stark silhouettes of their trunks. It felt like a moment worth capturing, but I wasn’t entirely sure how it would turn out. This shot explores the contrast between movement and stillness—the…

  • Through the Lens of AI: Rediscovering Creativity, Connection, and a Touch of the Unexpected

    Through the Lens of AI: Rediscovering Creativity, Connection, and a Touch of the Unexpected

    Over the past three weeks, I’ve been experimenting with artificial intelligence and its role in my creative process, particularly photography. But this wasn’t just a tech experiment—it was something much more personal. After a conversation with an AI, it suggested something simple yet impactful: pick up my camera again. It reminded me of how photography…

  • On Wings and Reflections: Two Weeks Away

    On Wings and Reflections: Two Weeks Away

    Two weeks, a camera, and countless moments captured. This image, taken as I prepared to return home, feels like the perfect metaphor for the journey I’ve just completed. The sharp lines of the plane’s wing and the sweeping expanse of the sky remind me of the balance between structure and freedom—something I’ve been exploring through…

Got any book recommendations?